What Is An Inventory?
The Inventory is an essential document that provides a written benchmark before the beginning of each new tenancy. A properly produced Inventory report will detail the Fixtures & Fittings, Decorative finishes and there condition as well as meter readings taken for the start of the tenancy.
TDS Legislation
A detailed inventory has always been required, however with changes in legislation the spotlight is now firmly on the inventory, check in and check out processes.
Recent TDS cases have highlighted the need for a clear and concise inventory to protect the landlord. In many cases, the Landlord has had to return the full deposit as they were unable to provide sufficient evidence to pursue their case.
All Hexa Inventories will include:
* Detailed photography
* Full details of Fixtures, Fittings and Contents
* Descriptions, Condition and Damage
* Meter Readings and keys (with photographic support)
* Health and Safety requirements checked such as Smoke detectors and C02 Alarms
* Property Overview including cleanliness.
The finished report is converted to PDF and distributed electronically to our clients via email within 48 hours of inspection.